How to write a headline…
If you want your articles, press releases and blogs to get read then get a decent headline. As many as five times the amount of people will read a headline than read the main body copy, so to capture interest in what you have to say it really pays to get it right.

Clarion – copywriting case study
Clarion Solicitors, a highly successful law firm based in Leeds, needed support to create the right tone of voice for their new website. Giving all the different specialisms a consistent approach and language, plus effective search engine optimisation value (SEO) was required.

Give to Get
I was speaking to an MD of a successful firm recently at a networking event and she was telling me about what a turbulent time they had had in the business – leaders had left and the remaining team were working out how to find their feet and their new voice.

Great BIG guide to effective SEO
SEO or search engine optimisation is the art of getting noticed for what you do by search engine spiders and here’s our great BIG guide to effective SEO. For the best results well written, unique, quality content needs to go hand in hand with good SEO practices.

The Principle of Sales
The Principle of Sales: “If you are not taking care of your customer, your competitor will.” Bob Hooey

Quick Website SEO Test
Here’s our Quick Website SEO Test to the two most important facts of SEO and a quick website SEO test to get your started.

AI, Ethics and Equality
I was intrigued to find this idea: that in a world of artificial intelligence (AI) we humans could end up by learning from the robots.

Never Lost for Words
Recently I came across a great new tool: what3words. It’s a way for anyone, anywhere in the world to be found.

Is There Anybody There? Know your customer and get your marketing mix right
A key aim of a good marketing team should be to take the guess work out of your marketing mix

Content Marketing – profitable engagement
The main focus for content marketing is not the hard sell; its function is to consistently communicate valuable information to engage current and attract new ‘buyers’. And by ‘buyers’ I mean people who you need to either buy, buy into, comment upon, support or participate in what you are offering.

AI, Ethics and Equality
While Edmonds investigates the ethical decisions needed for driverless cars and ‘care bots’, Fanzo discusses trust in workplace technology and how it will be essential to greater productivity and innovation – ‘trust’ stands out as the key to both articles. The issue with trust, however, is that it’s an emotional response to a myriad of interpersonal signals. Let’s just digest that for a moment what’s being considered here: a machine-led, consistent approach to right and wrong that humans can learn from to better themselves… But who is teaching the machine? Who’s the role model?

15 Things every Indie author needs to do…
Of course, there are far more than 15 steps to making all this work and each indie author will need to make their own path to publication. There is a huge amount of professional help available and often the whole process is easier when you have someone project managing the production process so it takes the pressure of the writer.

What if… we asked a few more questions?
On average four-year-olds ask over 300 questions every day. By the time they leave school, those same four-year-olds will be asking less than 10. It’s sad to reflect that it appears more emphasis is placed on reinforcing known theory than creative exploration in our education system, yet, in order to climb, build, fly, swim, cook, write, dance, snorkel or take a selfie, someone, somewhere paused and asked themselves a question.